Remember the things I said about the German bureaucracy?
It worked out! On Friday I picked up my new Passport. Now I can go to Japan! And now there is only one week left here. Money, I still need to change some Euro´s to Yen, cause I´ll have to pay a lot of stuff soon after I arrive.
First of all a phone at Narita and a data plan Sim for my phone. Next will be the transfer from Sendai Airport to the dorm. The Urban Castle Kawauchi. Not sure why they call it like that, but I´ll find out.
Looks like an average student dorm, just like in here. I´m really looking forward to stay there and get into contact with other students.
So, whats left to do? Pack my stuff and go there right?
Wish you a nice trip dear Philipp! I'll keep an eye on this blog, share with us as much as you could :)