Hello again, two topics to cover today.
First of all it will be about my research here in Sendai, second will be the environmental, nature conservation part...
So, the research. As some of you might know I have two topics to cover here in Japan, my Diploma research and some work for my former employer (UNU).
The later is the one I have been focusing on so far and it turned out to be good that way. Because of the development in the first weeks I decided to switch my Diploma topic once again. The UNU research will now be a kind of core subject for my Diploma thesis. So when the first turns out good, the later might have a solid core at least.
So far I developed a short questionnaire with six open questions about ecosystems and disaster risk reduction aspects. I´ll not go into detail here as it might scare you off!
I tested this questionnaire on a class of Prof. P. (technical college) but their English was less good as expected. Still there was one answer that made it very useful. When we asked them what they would like to see for reconstruction one student said: Anything that makes them forget the tsunami.
I was quite speechless. Thinking a lot about that.
Another great news, I have the opportunity to be on a helicopter flight next month to checkout the coastal protection forest! That will be fun! Most likely I will shoot a lot of pictures that day!
So much on the research, the next post will cover the trip to the Zoo, or better, animal prison.
And for the pictures: First the most uncommon house I saw in Sendai and the cutest (western like) house:
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